College Theology SocietyServing Church and Academy Since 1954

We pray and share fellowship together. Most of us teach. Some of us even teach together. Many of us write and edit. We often collaborate. All of us learn, together and apart, about God, the Church, and each other.

The College Theology Society was founded in 1954, inspired by a daring idea: college students deserve the very best in theological education. The idea translated into a professional society in which women and men, lay and religious, found common cause in their love of theology, both as scholars and teachers. 

The fruits of the founders' labors are evident in the Society today where ongoing explorations of theological and religious questions occur in an atmosphere of inclusive hospitality and where the idea of teaching theology to college students remains a daring one.

All are welcome. Would you consider joining us?

2024 Fr. Sloyan Annual Fund

Collected: $1,750.00
Goal: $3,000.00

The Fr. Gerard S. Sloyan Annual Fund will allow the College Theology Society to honor Fr. Sloyan and to continue the Society's support for scholarship, pedagogy, and community in theology and religious studies.

Every gift, regardless of amount, will be gratefully accepted. All donations are tax-deductible, and provide the opportunity of honoring other members and supporters of the College Theology Society who have contributed in the past through their words and actions.

For more information, click here.

Scholarship - The Sloyan Fund will support us in remaining a center of accessible, collegial theological scholarship through our meetings and publications.

Pedagogy - The Fund will help us continue opportunities like workshops and symposia for our development as teachers of religious studies and theology.

Community - The Fund will sustain us into the future as a welcoming, diverse community of scholars, colleagues, and friends.

Membership and Renewals

Please join or renew today! Click below and make sure we have your current contact information and areas of specialty, as well as your preference to receive Horizons Online Only or Print and Online.


Join or Renew

2024 Annual Meeting Information

CTS Program 2024 0524.pdf

Registration has closed. Please e-mail Dan Rober ( for late registrations.

Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society

Remember that Horizons is the journal of our Society.

Please consider submitting your work to Horizons and following Horizons on Twitter!

The College Theology Society is a registered, non-profit professional society and a Related Scholarly Organization of the American Academy of Religion.


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